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    indian god wallpaper

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  • aiqw9182
    Apr 12, 10:21 PM
    This is what iMovie after iMovie '06 should have been, if only because it has a PROPER FRICKIN' TIMELINE!

    Was really hoping for $199, but $299 isn't bad. I might just upgrade from iMovie '06 (I'm not really a 'pro' editor, but I love my timelines!).


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  • puma1552
    Mar 14, 08:07 AM
    I understand your point abut Japan.

    You're facts about solar and wind are both wrong, and I think you dismiss "bogus green technology" too quickly. That said, I still get what you are saying about Japan.

    However, I think this thread applies more to Europe, and EVEN more so to the US. In the US we have 5% of the worlds population and use well over 30% of the worlds energy. We also have an abundance of space, and countless amounts of aging infrastructure that needs investment anyway. The US is actually in a very good position to switch towards much more renewable energy while at the same time, upgrading our aging infrastructure. That said, what we lack is the political will and political capital to actually push such initiatives.

    Nuclear is not a necessity in the US like it MAY (I say may because I am skeptical but will take your word for it) be in Japan, and I think the current crisis going on there should make us seriously stop and think for a minute. The combination of wind, solar, tidal and geo-thermal could be quite effective here. Especially when you start consider the option of offshore wind farms which they have already approved in some parts of the NE.

    <---Degree in chemical engineering with an emphasis in renewable energy.

    If you want to contest efficiency percentages, it won't matter; the point is that even if you drastically increase those percentages, it still isn't/won't be enough for Japan, especially when you look at the areas needed for those power sources, which Japan simply doesn't have.

    So far, we are several days past multiple earthquakes and aftershocks, and so far there has been no nuclear disaster. That's where we are at right now. Thus, I have more confidence than ever in nuclear power as the way to go.

    I don't dismiss green energy per se, didn't mean for it to sound that way. However, what I am saying, is that even if they work for the US or Europe, they aren't going to be viable for every country, every landmass, every population because they aren't all the same. Thus, this means more should be invested into sources like nuclear because even if they don't prove to be the way of the future for America, they very well may be elsewhere in the world, perhaps out of necessity if nothing else.

    Sorry if I sounded irate in my last post, I just get tired of seeing the fear-mongering about nuclear power when you can count the number of true disasters on one hand in the history of man, especially when you realize it's been in use for decades in places like Japan with no issues at all prior to now. The issue now isn't even about the reactor or nuclear power itself, it was a natural disaster double-whammy, that knocked out the backup power supply. Had there been a dual backup (which you bet there will be, far up the mountain from where a tsunami can reach, and running underground when this is all done), there wouldn't even be an issue here.

    I guess what gets to me is I know people affected by this, living in shelters right now who lost everything, including a guy who lived a mere 3 km from the Fukushima plant, so I guess I'm just thinking of all the people with much more primary needs right now that worrying about a nuclear power plant they've lived in the shadow of problem-free for 40 years.

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  • ekwipt
    Apr 12, 11:31 PM
    Final Cut X looks amazing

    I think everyone's got the one click colour correcting thing wrong, it will be great for documentaries or reality TV when you have different format cameras shot by cameramen and producers who may not be exceptional camera operators. You'll be able to cut everything on the timeline and roughly colour correct the shots so they look good for your first edit. It will basically do away with the "Color Corrector 3-way" tool and I'm guessing you'll be able to fine adjust the correction with an interface similar to it.

    This event was for Final Cut X, I'm hoping they'll be updating the other apps in the suite and release them on the app store.

    I'm thinking FCX will turn into another plugin revenue stream for Apple, something they didn't talk about it in the conference. So you may log on to an Apple Pro store and download plugins from different manufacturers an Apple will take a 10% or so cut on everything. So there will be Logic X and when you download an AU component they'll take a cut, when you download a new FX plugin they'll take a cut.

    so maybe Color will be integrated into final Cut X but you'll buy it as a plugin of sorts that will be hosted in Final Cut X.

    I think Soundtrack Pro will be turfed and Logic X will have it's features built into it.

    Blackmagic Design and AJA might come up with a new Log and Capture tool for their capture cards and you won't be sitting waiting for thing to capture you'll be able to edit as they are capturing.

    I don't use DVD Studio Pro and believe it will o away, everything is streamed over the net now anyway. Vimeo, Youtube etc

    Have you checked out Sendoid? Studios will be using this more and more to send each other files, no more uploading with YouSendIt or DropBox.

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  • LQYoshi
    Apr 11, 10:54 AM
    I think you'll love your Mac mini, I'm a big fan of the form factor.

    As far as you father, I expect he'll be impressed with it if he's not a tech person. I know people always seemed impressed the Mac mini was a full computer, and OS X makes it even cool.

    If he is a tech person, he might insist that PCs are cheaper, but not in the same form factor(its rather hard to find a simiar PC with Intel chip...Dell makes the Zino HD, but it runs on AMD) And you can always run XP/Windows 7 to make him happy.
    True true. It seems like a lot of money but it should be worth it. I've wanted this a long time.

    Would it be possible/legal to create a Virtual machine on my mac mini running OSX Lion (when it's released) if I don't want to upgrade from Snow Leopard to Lion on my mini (when I get it/lion is out)?

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  • Apple OC
    Mar 15, 12:09 AM
    Even allowing for the possibility of a complete core meltdown (an unlikely event given the current situation, though not impossible), the structures were designed to contain such an event. The release of dangerous levels of radiation is extremely improbable, even given a situation significantly worse than that currently faced by Japan. Link (http://cosmiclog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/03/14/6268351-clearing-up-nuclear-questions)

    very informative link ... this is likely another 3 Mile situation and will get under control. The expanded evacuation seems to be added precaution and not an indication of Radiation sweeping the area.

    I feel for the people that have been displaced and wish them well

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  • Apple OC
    Apr 23, 11:18 PM
    Edit: I'll say you found an idiot who likes to claim knowledge they can't possess. and then I saw Apple OC's post. Okay. At least one atheist fundamentalist exists.

    Whatever:rolleyes: ... Like I care that you think I am an idiot ... there is nothing that points to the existence of any Gods.

    Nothing ... other than all the followers that try to tell you to follow along.

    Science points to logical explanations as to how humans became to be on this planet ... and none of it points to any form of a God.

    I am not looking for proof ... for me it is already there.

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  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 27, 09:14 PM
    We can see the ongoing effects of microbes all around us. Can you say the same for your god?
    That's not the point. The point. The point is that even before anyone discovered microbes, microbes already existed. You're welcome to insist that there's no God. But maybe you insist that there is none because although there's evidence for theism, you doubt that it is evidence for it. I'm sure many atheistic scientists who dismiss theism a priori because they believe that if God exists, His existence would force them to revise many of their scientific assumptions. I forget the title of the television program I watched, where the host asked a neuroscientist what she thought about near-death experiences. She didn't want to consider potential evidence for an afterlife because an afterlife would disprove too many physicalist assumptions about the nature of the mind.

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  • appleguy123
    Apr 23, 12:37 AM
    Here's a hypothetical question:

    Do you believe in witches? (I assume the answer is no)

    Now we don't have a special word for people who don't believe in witches. You probably wouldn't claim that not believing in witches requires belief.

    Now the fact that you don't believe in those things doesn't necessarily preclude their existence. You just don't believe in them, because I imagine nothing in your life experiences or in the evidence you have been presented suggests that true witches exist. Would you say that this viewpoint requires belief?

    Do you think it's possible that you give religion and god undue weight and consideration because so many others believe in him/her/it and you have a hard time believing that so many people could be so totally wrong?

    I give it additional weight because those that believe in God are active in politics in a way that those who believe in witches are not.
    We have to be careful to consider these things, lest we have a theocracy on our hands.

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  • itickings
    Apr 15, 07:09 AM
    I still miss the ability to easily control the computer with only a keyboard without reaching for the mouse/trackpad all the time.

    Sure, there are many shortcuts, but no real equivalent to the underlined entries in menus, and the obvious keyboard navigation in dialogs. But then again, I'd been primed to that since Windows 3.0 through XP and other systems.

    I'm sure some people will want to correct me now by pointing out the keyboard control possibility available in the accessibility settings, but that'll only end with uncontrollable laughter...

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  • darkplanets
    Mar 11, 09:23 AM
    NB. I guess the most critical things that can get damaged in Japan are the nuke power stations, the reports so far say none are leaking.

    I wouldn't worry about those. They're incredibly well designed. If Japan has any of the new AP1000's, then there's really nothing to worry about.

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  • EricNau
    Sep 21, 04:34 PM
    Dude. If this is your family, you need to be watching less TV and getting outside more. Or at least stay inside and play board-games with the kids. It's much more fun than vegging out on the couch.

    geeze. Yeah, if I watched that much TV, I'd be complaining about the iTS too!

    It's not.

    In my experience, video on demand is exactly what younger kids want. My boys (3 and 5, so not that far off your model family) watch more than their share of TV, but they tend to be quite "clumpy" in what they watch since they've grown up with PVRs all their life, they tend to watch lots of the same show, and rewatch things over and over. For instance tonight we were treated to 3 back-to-back episodes of "The Batman" from a recently released DVD and one episode of "Teen Titans" from the TiVo. I don't have to keep buying those shows, since once purchased or recorded, I have them. Tomorrow will be the younger one's choice, so my guess is we get to watch the Wiggles on DVD for the umpteenth time.

    I do buy some shows on DVD of from iTunes just to get them off the PVR, to reward the content provider for things we enjoy, and create some space for new stuff to be recorded. For instance I bought two seasons worth of Dora The Explorer (49 shows) for $60.This works out to an average cost per episode of $1.22. On DVD they sell 4 episodes for $10-$16 which means a minimum cost per episode of $2.50, and up to $4. I no longer have to TiVo these and have them at my fingertips.

    You're also still way off on your prices. The "multi-pass" for The Daily Show or Colbert is $9.99 for 16 shows (i.e. 4 weeks Monday-Thursday). You don't pay $2/show for them unless you're a masochist. Note also that you don't pay anything for half of the year since they are in reruns about half the time, so it works out to ~$60/year per show. (BTW What's the third TDS show? I guess I haven't been watching lately. :o)

    News and sports are a completely different matter though.

    You're right, my pricing was way off. When I originally calculated $150/month I was counting hours of TV multiplied by $2. Meaning I forgot to take into account season and multi-passes. Plus, when I was figuring daily shows I forgot to drop the weekends. :o

    Either way, I am still willing to bet for a large family, cable is significantly cheaper (especially when you take into account all the TV watched for "background noise" (such as the food network)).

    Plus the lack of news and sports and many, many TV shows would be a huge turnoff for a lot of customers.

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  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 14, 03:04 AM
    Just one tidbit of information if anyone is considerng a DVI-DL switch for their 30" (Dell or Apple) displays...

    DO NOT buy the Gefen 2x1 switcher. It's based on a previous chipset that requires the user to disassemble the unit to adjust an internal sync knob! Additionally, it requires the use of two external dials (one for each input) to try and synchronize the signal!!! There isn't enough adjustment in all three dials to make much difference and while I could sync either my PC or my G5 quad just fine, I couldn't get them both to sync at all.

    The 4x1 switcher is new hardware that auto syncs as it should and it works great.

    These switchers come with DVI-DL cables, but if you need longer ones, buy cables from www.monoprice.com -- great cables, they work wonderfully and they have the best prices by far. Sorry for the shameless plug, but I can't stand overpaying for cables and I'm not affiliated with that store in any way. Also a gread source for cables if you just want to run your monitor farther away from your computer because it only comes with a 2M cable.

    Oh, and you must have a DVI-DL source to connect to both the Dell and the Apple 30". If your system only has regular DVI, it will not work, you will get a garbage signal. Even if you run at a lower resolution that standard DVI supports, these two displays only accept a DVI-DL connection. It's a bunch of crap that it works that way, but just thought I'd give everyone a heads-up who may not have experience with them. When Apple and Dell say it needs a DVI-DL interface, it's not that they want you to buy a new video card, it's that these displays truly do require one.

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  • Squonk
    Aug 29, 11:18 AM
    I wonder if they mentioned the fact that Dell has made the computer a disposable purchase with their $299 PCs. I'm serious people buy a new Dell every few years because they are garbage. Do you honestly think people give them back for recycling. They sell them on ebay or craigslist, and the new owner after about a year puts them in the dumpster. With Apple people keep their machines much longer, and are much more likely to recycle them because they are smaller and easier to take to a recycling center (no CRT). This alone makes Apple greener then Dell.

    I was thinking along the same lines. Over the course of 4 PC's in my household, I have only had 2 macs and these have always been my primary machines. I don't want to part with my 5 year old iMac, it still serves me well for basic surfing and audio streaming needs.

    But, the point of the article is that the machines that Apple makes are not as eco friendly as the other manufacturers. Of course, if you looked at the units shipped, wouldn't Dell be less friendly. Aka, they are "making it up" on volume?

    If this article is true, then Apple needs to improve what they are doing. It's that simple. The truth hurts when it hits so close to our hearts...

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  • AhmedFaisal
    Mar 15, 10:41 PM
    Chernobyl was 25 years ago and Russia was not very open to outside help ... no matter how bad this escalades ... somehow this will be contained.

    Irrespective of that, given that the reactor design is not the same as Chernobyl an accident of that sort is simply not possible with these reactor types. Chernobyl was a supercriticality event, a runaway nuclear reaction which is a high risk in a high positive void coefficient design like the RBMK which uses graphite as a moderator and water simply for cooling. Loss of cooling in this design leads to a nuclear explosion due to gas bubbles being less off a neutron absorber than liquid and burning graphite along with it. BWR designs such as the ones in Fukushima can't go supercritical if coolant is lost. Thus an explosion and moderator burn such as the one in Chernobyl can't happen. As such, the worst case is a local loss of containment and core melt that can lead to moderate amounts of radioactivity escaping into the immediate local environment. A widespread contamination over hundreds of square miles is simply not possible. As such, the current news reporting is irresponsible spreading of half baked information and knowledge and nothing but fearmongering.
    The same goes for some of the BS that is being posted about Germany's reactors or other reactors in western Europe for that matter. Western EU countries do not use RBMK type technology or other high positive void coefficient designs, the only ones that still do is the Czech Republic and a few other former Soviet countries and these reactors are being phased out and being replaced by modern LWR and other designs with western aid.

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  • Machead III
    Aug 29, 12:39 PM
    Yep, just another wasteful American. Same sad story.

    The number of people like him in the world is analogous to a cancer cell count for life on Earth. If they aren't pretty much non-existant within the next 50 years, Game Over.

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  • macrookie101
    Jun 14, 01:42 PM
    Theres one thing about Apple and thats they know how to integrate software and hardware to make a very slick user experience so i wouldn't rule Apple out :cool:

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  • bpaluzzi
    Apr 28, 09:00 AM
    Best thing I could find


    Kudos for looking for something (seriously) -- I'd argue that it's a bit limited in scope, though:
    -Limited to America
    -Limited to adults
    -Calculating by household, with strictly boolean "yes or no" (not counting multiples)

    For example, in my house, we have 4 laptops and 1 desktop machine, but for this survey, it would only be counted as "yes" for both. Actually, it wouldn't be counted at all, since we're in England ;-)

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  • samcraig
    Mar 18, 10:56 AM
    1) Why would I need an extra 2GB when I'm already Unlimited?

    2) Why would I need to pay an extra $20 for 1s and 0s going from my laptop thru my phone. If I'm using the laptop, I'm not using my phone and vice versa. It's still single use.

    3) Do you pay "Extra" for home internet because you have a wireless router that allows you to connect multiple PCs to the same connection?? How is tethering on a mobile phone any different??? This sets a precedence that could allow for home internet providers to charge on a per PC connect basis.

    Actually - for several years - and still in some areas - you DO pay for the ability to network your home via wifi - and there is a way for the cable company to prohibit it. Not that they do/will. - but clearly they can since some areas have this as a "premium"

    Next - there are things you cannot do on a phone that you can do on a computer in regards to using up bandwidth. You can't download torrents on your phone (for example). You can on a computer.

    There's really little debate here. ATT is now, obviously, recognizing what they have known all along - that people are abusing their data plans. So they are taking action. It's within their right. Get over it.

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  • Alpinism
    Oct 26, 09:07 AM
    I am waiting for a quad core MP and a copy of FCS. I hope they make it before Xmas. THen, it would indeed be a glorious Xmas.

    The move to intel shifts Apple paradigm for good. Expect your Apple computers and gadgets to be absolete much2 sooner

    Apr 28, 08:39 AM
    I am one of the many people carrying them, but, sales numbers of those versus the iPod Touch, and iPhone are telling us that the fad is over. ;)

    I don't want them to stop selling classic iPods, however I am not blind to the fact that I am a member of a dying breed of classic iPod users. :(

    Oh yeah, it's definitely trending downward now instead of still climbing, but it took almost a decade before that happened, not 3 or 4 years as claimed earlier. And they still sell millions every year, which you cannot say about pet rocks. That's the difference between a fad and a popular product. In a fad, the sales dry up quickly.

    Oct 26, 03:37 AM
    Bulletin. Many thousands of us knew it would be this soon. :)

    Yep we did. I expected Octo way back in July/August.

    Sep 12, 03:18 PM
    Wish I could get more details, but nice, very nice.

    Sep 12, 05:10 PM
    About 18 months too late but I can't wait for it.

    Apple have thought this one through well.

    Mar 24, 06:54 PM
    Aw, poor Vatican. Are your medieval feelings hurt?



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