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    Apr 28, 06:24 PM
    Arlington, VA Yesterday :(

    $3.99 in Springfield, VA :p
    Still bad tho

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  • emma watson wallpapers 2011.

  • Grey Beard
    Sep 14, 04:23 PM
    I've had several via iv, and I just lie back and enjoy the warm rush. Whether the buzzard's crutch taste in your mouth afterwards is another matter altogether.

    Hope it all goes well and do keep us updated.

    Grey Beard

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  • hannah montana wallpaper.

  • lolnick
    Mar 11, 12:09 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Dbl post

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  • wallpapers for krishna.

  • nagromme
    Mar 13, 12:16 PM
    My AT&T 4G (not yet running 4.3—I like to be a late adopter of big updates from any company) changed times automatically in the night, and my alarm went off as it should.


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  • wallpapers for krishna.

  • apfhex
    Nov 14, 02:43 PM
    4. packing sardines even tighter allowing more seats (I hope this will not come to pass).
    I'd be happy with your 6 other points if it meant cheaper ticket prices (the food in coach isn't worth any amount of money!!!). But if they squeeze those seats any closer together, it will make it physically impossible for me (and anyone else over 6 ft) to fit in them. It's already pretty much a fracking health hazard (damned if blood is going to flow through my legs when they're so crammed up against the seat in front of me, hah :D).

    Hey airlines, while your doing the wiring, how about installing those empower jacks at the same time.

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  • cute kids wallpapers.

  • chrmjenkins
    Apr 4, 11:43 AM
    But these taxes are historically for funding the construction and upkeep of the highways, not to curb gas usage or to spur efficiency.

    A car that gets 60 mpg will do just as much 'damage' to a road surface as a car that get 8 mpg....but the 50mpg car will pay much, MUCH less for upkeep of that road than the other in a gas-tax based situation.

    A car that is more fuel efficient also likely does less damage to the road as heavier vehicles that do the highest amount of damage as typically consume the most fuel.

    I just don't see the practicality of this tax based on the difficulty in enforcing it.


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  • cute kids wallpapers.

  • rasmasyean
    May 2, 11:03 AM
    Now that OBL is out of the picture, what do you think will happen?
    Maybe more "peace lovers" will demand to bring troops home?
    Will the US work real hard to find another "prime evil target" to keep the "war mongers" interested?
    Maybe Pakistanis will think we now really have little reason to keep bombing them and begin an uprising?
    Will we shift focus to Iran?
    Detailed analyses and conspiracy theories welcome!

    Discuss... :)

    mgs4 wallpapers. Re: PSP Wallpaper Thread
  • Re: PSP Wallpaper Thread

  • eawmp1
    Apr 9, 08:46 PM
    The point of PP seems to be to get rid of the consequences

    PP offers a too easy fix to people's indiscretion

    No, the point of PP is to give the tools and education to prevent pregnancy and disease. Abortion is a service offerred when there is an unwanted pregnancy.

    My friend, there is nothing easy about abortion.


    mgs4 wallpapers. of Metal Gear Solid 4
  • of Metal Gear Solid 4

  • Big JW
    Oct 26, 10:14 PM
    Seriously, does anyone know how to use an email address that is not a mac.com address as the reply-to in .mac webmal?

    I only use the webmail at work, and at home Mac OS X Mail lets me use my "real" email address as the reply-to. I would love to know how to do it in webmail. An earlier poster said you can, but I just can't see how.

    Thanks for the help...

    mgs4 wallpapers. this is now my ps3#39;s wallpaper
  • this is now my ps3#39;s wallpaper

  • Nermal
    Jun 11, 01:06 AM
    answer this myself... apparently they use I / 2100 as well.

    Yeah, Voda has 2100 in the main cities and 900 elsewhere. Telecom has 850 nationwide, which is more suitable for a 3G(S) if you need to use it outside the main cities.


    mgs4 wallpapers. Latest Wallpapers
  • Latest Wallpapers

  • CrzySausageBaby
    Apr 5, 10:23 AM
    A MacBook trackpad does NOT need a click to register.
    You can change the settings so that you do not need to click at all, it simply takes your touch as a click. I use it in this way all the time, I NEVER click the touchpad.

    +1 I also never click the trackpad.....I hate the clicking noise and it takes too long, much easier to tap.

    mgs4 wallpapers. Command and Conquer Wallpaper.
  • Command and Conquer Wallpaper.

  • AppliedMicro
    Jun 21, 05:13 PM
    I think a lot of people in here are also looking over the fact that the card reader is on the USB bus.
    Where did you get that info from? :confused:

    I do not think it's on the USB bus. Evidence: while the card reader does not show up in USB tree in System Profiler whatsoever - even though other internal peripherals, namely Bluetooth controller & Infrared receiver do! - System Profiler provides two very interesting lines for the "card reader":

    "Link width: 1x
    Maximum speed*: 2.5 GT/s"

    This strongly suggests the card reader being connected via PCIe. So the speed may, in practical terms, not be limited by the bus at all. Time - and faster SD cards - should eventually tell how fast it can go.

    * or something alike. I cannot look it up right now as my currently booted OS doesn't recognize it at all.


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  • dbsk wallpaper. dbsk

  • bartzilla
    Mar 22, 04:29 AM
    Really nice for the schools.

    Really irrelevant for the schools. I can't say this will change our purchasing strategy in this area either way, the discount is too small to matter really.

    It's up to innovative schools to decide whether, and how, iPads have a role in schools. They might have good uses in classrooms, libraries, labs, reading clubs, alongside computers, instead of computers, or who knows.

    Except they don't support things like Jmol. They're too big to go into a pocket, they can't be shared around like books, they'll need recharging if they're used heavily. The ipad is a lot of things, sure, but there's lots of things it isn't, too.

    Who cares??? its a $500 device that can replace all computer needs of any student. Period.

    I bet my students can't wait to run products like AutoCad, Final Cut Pro, Logic, Sonar and Visual Studio, on the ipad. They'll be so excited I'm sure.

    It's just a glorified web slate and note taker. By no means bad but I don't see any students where I work, or staff for that matter, rushing to get one. We may buy one or two for R&D.

    mgs4 wallpapers. emma watson wallpapers 2011.
  • emma watson wallpapers 2011.

  • rami.g
    Apr 19, 04:42 PM
    Did anyone noticed while the Safari browser, the "CANCEL" button moved to the title of the page, and the address bar was stretched across the screen??


    mgs4 wallpapers. emma watson wallpapers 2011.
  • emma watson wallpapers 2011.

  • citizenzen
    Apr 13, 02:03 PM
    To be honest I have never seen that in the UK or in Finland.

    Must be an American thing.

    That and No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service. (so much for never turning away customers)

    As if the shite that you carry in on the bottom of your foot is any worse than the shite you carry in on the bottom of your shoe. :rolleyes:

    mgs4 wallpapers. MGS4 universe,
  • MGS4 universe,

  • ellyka112
    Nov 21, 03:11 AM
    Good luck to that kid. He'll need it seeing Apple's recent track record with cases like this.

    Lam's success has not gone unnoticed, however, as he has now received a letter from a purported private investigator claiming that Lam is trafficking in stolen goods. Lam intends to secure the services of a lawyer to defend himself against any possible action.


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  • ericlewis91
    Nov 11, 09:49 AM
    I can speak mac japanese! WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

    mgs4 wallpapers. MGS4 Wallpaper 1 by ~Poser96
  • MGS4 Wallpaper 1 by ~Poser96

  • sunfast
    Sep 27, 10:56 AM
    I love updates. Hard to say quite way, but any improvements are welcome :)

    mgs4 wallpapers. MGS4 Teams wallpaper. Rating:
  • MGS4 Teams wallpaper. Rating:

  • djdole
    Mar 23, 04:57 PM
    I'm all for more agencies adopting Macs! Heck, one day we might be able to classify them as switchers :D

    You do understand that it's not that they're adopting them as their primary system for day to day use, but rather they're purchasing more because (with the slight increase in popularity of the OSX platform) they have to be able to counter said OSX threats.
    They're mirroring the increased OSX hacker population. This isn't really anything for any Apple fanboi to be proud of.

    Someone recently said Windows is a house with bars in a bad neighborhood and OSX being a house without locks in the country.
    That being true, the FBI is just reacting in the expected manner to the increasing the number of criminals in the country (due to the increased number of country houses).

    Sep 1, 03:23 AM
    For some reason this bummed me out.

    I guess I was hopeful that the developer preview was an old build with just enough for the developers to test their apps, and just enough cool new stuff to keep the public interested.

    I was hoping that the build was 6 - 8 months old, and Apple was working on a build with all of the top secret features that was going to blow us away.

    But I guess while there are obviously a few things up Apple's sleave, we've seen a good chunk of Leopard. I guess that makes sense given each release has 3 - 5 meaningful new features, and 20 or so little new nice touches.

    I guesss my hope stemmed from the opportunity to slap Microsoft and Vista. Looks like Leopard is going to be a typical release.

    Just because they are improving this build doesnt mean there aren't some major apps or system features they are not revealing to developers.

    They could be updating another version of the OS alongside this one with extra goodness!, and the updates are most likely to be fixes based on what the devs tell them is buggy.

    I think they have purposefully left stuff out of Leopard for the moment so that it is even more shocking when it is all revealed at the launch of Leopard! thats what apple does best, shocks the public with "one more thing!"

    Mar 24, 04:20 AM
    Interesting news, One day we might even see the iTank :D


    Sep 27, 12:27 PM
    Could be that the 400D came with the latest software. Have you tried getting an update from the Canon website (DPP 2.2 etc). I can PM you the version numbers of the various utilities later on if you want?

    Thanks but, yes I spent hours on it the day I realized there was a problem. First reinstalling, then checking for updates and after a lot failure I checked the forums at dpreview and found that I was not alone and that it was in fact the OS update that caused it.
    Canon's site even acknowledges the problem.

    May 5, 01:15 PM

    This about sums it up

    Jan 6, 07:55 PM
    can the new app play facebook videos?

    i hate how you can see and click on the videos in the facebook app but it would just give you a message stating videos are not supported....THEN WHY DO YOU SHOW IT IN tHE FEED?!



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