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    images of emo love. Emo-Love Comments
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  • ImmiRam
    09-13 04:57 PM
    I am sure you are well aquinted with IV and EB process.

    You proudly keep profile incomplete....
    Post a "noval" idea about law suit in first few posts (most likely you have another IV handle too).....

    still wondering why you are so "famous"....

    The rudeness some of the members display here amazez me...Yes, my profile is incomplete, but I still went ahead and made donation...not that I a, bragging but it speaks about commitment. Since my profile is incomplete, it gives you right to be Rude ? And why cannot I post about lawsuits in first few posts ? I dont get what you are trying to convey. Am I missing something here? I thought we are all professionals here, guess I am wrong.

    images of emo love. Tags: emo, love
  • Tags: emo, love

  • manderson
    12-29 07:56 PM
    have you tried filing a FOIA (freedom of information act) request to obtain the 140? i don't know how well u have researched this, but u should talk to a good lawyer.

    Getting I-140 approval copy is not possible.
    I only have case number prinout.
    anyways, it is not a big deal. Worst case, I will get 1 year extension.
    It is not going to deter me from exercising AC-21.

    images of emo love. Emo Love - Love, Emo, Emo Love
  • Emo Love - Love, Emo, Emo Love

  • rb_248
    08-14 03:34 PM
    It took about 6 months. From what I understand, they pull your file from the BEC and cross check against your new PERM application. So if you have already got your 45 day letter, your case is already in the system and may be it will not take all that long.

    there is always risk. If the PERM is denied, the RIR will be denied as well, that is the procedure for conversion cases. You can re-file 6 months later.
    I just had my PERM filed. My job hasn't changed and I have 2 years left. My lawyer said it's worth to try. Now I have my finger crossed.

    rb_248, after you filed the conversion how long for you to got it approved?

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  • emo love hurts wallpapers. emo

  • kzinjuwadia
    05-14 11:38 AM
    I made an infopass appt and found out that the case was approved couple of days ago. I hadn't setup the email notification.


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  • Emo Love 2: love emo miss |

  • newuser
    04-15 12:15 PM
    Congratulations and enjoy the freedom

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  • Graphic: 109989 (emo love)

  • thunderbird
    08-21 03:33 PM
    I have the similar situation, worrying about not getting receipt before expiration date. I called USCIS, the lady told me that as long as I filed before the expiration day, I'm okay to work. If someone else could call USCIS, get different people answer this question, and confirm this, that will be helpful.


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  • emo love quotes pictures. emo

  • diptam
    06-05 10:40 PM
    First of all after applying H1 extension you have a 240 day window when you wont be out of status even if your H1 expired ( as long as the extension is applied when the current was Valid). My H expired on Jan 29th and i applied on Jan 9th and the last 5 months i worked as usual without Visa or I-94 ( but in Status) ...

    Don't worry at all - if by chance anyone reaches near 8 month/240 day finish line which is highly unlikely, pump in extra 1000 bucks and upgrade that to a Premium H and you must hear a decision within 15 days....

    There are tons of options - even if Premium doesn't work still there are 2 more options ( of course within legal boundary )...

    I applied for my H-1 extension in mid April and my current H-1 is valid till mid August. After reading about the waiting times in the posts above I am wondering what happens if I don't get the approval until mid August. Will I be out of status ?


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  • emo love kissing. emo love

  • aat0995
    01-15 12:03 PM
    Wow! That should save me a bunch. I smell immigrationvoice is getting another donation soon :).

    Now what aranya said would be wrong right? I just want to confirm as quite a few employers follow this practice. As mine is a govt. agency if it is a law I assume they will follow it. But just wanted to confirm..



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  • gccovet
    04-01 01:25 PM
    Please update your profile.

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  • emo love

  • no-tec
    10-20 09:18 PM
    i got sotw a few weeks ago. what swirl thing?


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  • emo love you. emo love you.

  • Roger Binny
    10-15 06:47 PM
    My case is also similar.

    Applied labor in 2002 under Eb3 category
    I-140 approved in 2006.

    Applied labor in 2007 under EB2 category( same Company)
    Applied I-140 Eb2 and requested to port EB3 Priority date.
    I-140 got approved but did not port EB3 priority date.

    Applied I-485 in 2007 using eb3 labor and I-140.

    As of now I have two approved I-140 Eb3 PD 2002 and EB2 PD 2007.
    My attroney sent SR last month to port priority date on EB2 I-140.
    I see LUD on I-140 and I-485 ( LUD on oct 9th 2009) .
    Still waiting for response.
    I don't know how long USCIS will take to port PD.


    Sounds like, they are considering your SR, but time gap is just a week, so atleast one or two weeks to go i guess.

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  • Emo Love cute

  • wandmaker
    11-05 09:53 AM
    I am also in a similar boat - I have received all the receipt notices except my wife's AOS. My wife has received EAD and FP, waiting for the AP. My lawyer suggested to wait for 30 calendar days, after which he is going to initiate a service request for duplicate notice. I will repost, if I get any updates.


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  • Emo, Emo Love

  • Rb_newsletter
    06-12 04:45 PM

    Reid revives immigration issue

    By Dennis Myers
    More stories by this author...
    U.S. Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada, the Democratic floor leader, said last week he was getting ready to lead the Senate back into the politically risky waters of immigration.

    At the end of his remarks before an Asian-American and Pacific Islander Summit in D.C., Reid said, �Finally, we will again pursue comprehensive immigration reform that respects both our nation�s laws and the people from all nations who want to live in America, work hard and pay their fair share of taxes. And it is critical that we bring families together by cutting down on the long waits for prospective immigrants trying to join their immediate family members in the United States. I am committed to reforming our system in a way that is tough, fair and practical.�

    He was immediately faced with skepticism and outright hostility. Though the senator was vague on details, one website promptly posted the headline, �Why Does Reid Want to Ram Immigration Amnesty Through Senate?�

    More seriously, GOP Sen. Saxby Chambliss of Georgia questioned whether Congress has time to deal with immigration this year when it already has health care reform and 13 appropriations bills on its plate: �I don�t see how, from a time perspective, where they can have a floor debate on immigration. We haven�t even had any hearings this year on it.�

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  • Emo Love Photo

  • alterego
    09-14 06:06 PM
    People need to understand that there are some legislators who might want to push legislation favorable to us. They can only do it if they can convince other legislators who are on the fence that:

    1) A lot of good people are affected by this. (legal,peaceful,high skilled etc) The crowd there(YOU) on Tuesday will speak to this.

    2) They mean business, if we do not act they might leave and we need to act NOW to keep them here.(if many thousands of them can come from all parts of the country, they must be serious)

    3) These guys have the support of their employers.(they got/took/were allowed time off from work)

    Now in these points, can you see how a friendly lawmaker can use a big successful march to convince his colleagues? This will be like a massive tonic to all the lobbying IV has been doing behind the scenes.
    Last year when hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants took to the streets did you see the impact on legislators? One big difference here is we are legal. That will leave a more powerful impact if it is big.

    This is a small price to pay, and it will help you tremendously to speed up the green card process. Lets show solidarity. Every one of us who goes to this will feel proud of the change we manage to bring. If this makes the national media in a big way, I am virtually certain we will get a favorable resolution to our issues. A lot of forces are with us here. Just look at the 13 governor signed letter. Just look at how hard the big high tech. companies are pushing this.


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  • emo love

  • ksurjan
    07-23 03:23 PM
    yellow :D
    Next will be : What was the color of your envelope ? ..LOL C'mon people . :D :D

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  • emo-love.jpg

  • ashrock11
    01-08 09:06 PM

    Just wanted to know how should one modify the immigration petition again after divorce and second marriage. Can the second wife name be added to 485 immediately or wait for the PD to become current? And how about EAD?



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  • lskreddy
    11-19 11:00 AM
    I called USCIS and they said I could e-file. Thanks.

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  • Graffiti Emo Love Design

  • vhd999
    06-21 12:18 PM
    Thanks for the update...

    Did you have to redo the medical or the USCIS was happy with the original medical exam that was submitted in April 2004?

    images of emo love. images of emo love.
  • images of emo love.

  • brb2
    09-21 02:26 PM
    As I see it, the 7% cap is nothing but a clear case of affirmative action on a global scale. Republicans would definitely support removing this cap if the debate was framed in this angle rather than to give relief to any particular country. Relief is to the business's in the US - the freedom for them to hire the best in the world not to forced in to affirmative action due to quotas in high skilled immigration.
    without rising the current cap, increasing existing 7% limit will only lead to a worse retrogression in the ROW category.

    12-05 06:57 PM
    The RFE just asked for a copy of my NSEERS registration on the back of my I-94. Its been send by my lawyer

    06-20 03:35 PM
    My mistake. Gsc999 has to refile with new employer and port old portability.



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