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  • NoSmokingBandit
    Jun 17, 06:34 PM
    Other than portables, i've never really seen the point in slim consoles. All my consoles are fatties and i've never thought of selling them to buy a slim.

    The 360 slim looks like a little kids toy next to the fat 360. Its just soooo cheesy and tacky. The original 360 case was much better, imo.

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  • puuukeey
    Sep 1, 05:20 AM
    I kinda feel like we should at least have the option to not have every element of our gui bogged down with image files.

    I was thinking that it would be cool if more of the UI was plain openGL and less image based. how cool (although impracticle) would it be if the entire gui was 5 channels. R, G, B, alpha, displace. Then the os could load ONE metal image, and all the sliders, buttons,wells could be smokey glass(slightly transparent, dark grey, and displaced the image behind it like a glass of water.) that would be more open gl work but less loading of images.

    that would reflect the realitive increase in graphics processors comprared to regular ones.

    sometimes I just wonder how quick an update to the classic interface would fly on a modern machine

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  • Compufix
    Sep 20, 06:04 PM
    That's really interesting! You just held "c" at boot to load up the XP CD?

    I'm guessing you still needed to use a "slipstreamed" XP SP2 CD with the SATA drivers installed so it doesn't run in dog slow PIO mode

    Where the hell did you find chipset drivers, graphics card drivers, sound card drivers etc? :confused:

    You still need a driver CD from Apple for all that...you can get that from someone that installed Bootcamp....

    Supposedly the new EFI update for Mac Pro (just released) solves the PIO problem without needs to slipstream the XP CD. I won't know until tomorrow, however I already did the slipstream install....so who knows what will happen.

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  • yorkshire
    Dec 21, 06:28 PM
    Thanks, but I don't need to grow up. Perhaps you should try accepting other people's opinions without resorting to insults - a much more significant indicator of maturity (unless you're actually asking me to grow older faster?)

    There is absolutely zero logic to the rest of your post either. How has this helped the music industry exactly? As I have said all along, the UK chart is a glorified popularity contest. The most popular record, at the time, wins. People don't just buy the xfactor winners single because of the name - they buy it because they like it (and it's usually more than a few thousand btw). Whether you, or I, agree with that is irrelevant. It is fact. There has also been no significant reduction in music piracy as a result of this campaign.

    There has been no 'rebellion'. All the campaign has done is increased the amount of money Sony Music Entertainment have taken in this Christmas (both of the Artists are attributed to Sony). This goes back to my original point about the whole thing being meaningless (unless of course the aim was to simply make more money for Sony). There will still be the xfactor next year, and the winner will still sell a barrowload of records.

    I have been on the group on Facebook a few times, and many people have stated this is the 1st time they've downloaded a song legally. I know it isn't going to stop piracy, but it is definitely a step in the right direction. And you can't say there has been no reduction in piracy yet- its only been 1 day. If it gets just a handful of people to pay for songs rather than pirate them, then at least its done some good.

    And how is the whole thing meaningless? At the end of the day, the chap who made the group didn't know Rage and Joe were both with Sony. He didn't know that he'd be (slightly) benefitting Cowell by choosing Rage. There was an interview on the BBC where he spoke about this, and he didn't care. All he wanted was a different single at the number 1 spot this year, and all everyone else who joined the group wanted was a different single at number 1. Thankfully Rage won.

    And it doesn't matter if people don't like the song, I for one would have bought almost anything just to keep X Factoe from being number 1.


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  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 8, 05:08 PM
    Before that we have the debt ceiling limit vote. If they don't vote to raise it, I shudder to think what will happen on the stock market.

    ooo did not remember that one. safe to say that will will hit that limit this time as it will be yet another pissing match for the Tea Partiers.
    Sad that GOP leadership is not willing to tell them to go pound sand on some issues.

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  • Mac-Addict
    Oct 20, 02:58 PM
    Ill be there at 3 if possible xD If my mum can take me lol xD (I am like 13 so..)
    Someone needs to hold a sign saying "Macrumors forum member here" and we will know who each other are :P

    Edit: Ohh yeah Ill be there for definite :D Getting my t-shirt, buying Leopard :)


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  • drinu89
    Mar 28, 08:19 AM
    This confirms that iOS 5 will be previewed in June and not in April like past years...

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  • cmcconkey
    Mar 13, 04:01 PM
    Very interesting. My iPhone4 from ATT is still thinking it is the wrong time, SO very annoying. Also I am running 4.3.


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  • 153957
    Sep 1, 09:07 AM
    Apple has a history of that... making their OS'es run faster than the previous one on the same hardware. At least that's what my experience has been with Panther, Tiger and Leopard preview.

    Or they make the first releases fast, and then with each minor upgrade slow the system down a tiny bit and then when the next major one comes around everything seems faster the before..

    or it might have to do with system caches and other things that are not yet bogged down because of extensive usage..

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  • Icculus
    Mar 11, 11:52 AM
    Line is about 46 now at Stonebriar. Posting pics on twitter @dpedini

    Cookies are still calling my name must resist.

    Stop by say Hello


    What are you wearing? I will buy you a whole cookie cake...:-)


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  • Xian Zhu Xuande
    Apr 5, 10:32 AM
    It's not ready for the masses yet, but if you know even the slightest about tech (in its use, not in more technical aspects), it *really* is a superior device at the moment.
    How does knowing something about tech make it a superior device? Are you basing it on something like a feature list? It is a highly inferior device because it is an inferior means of accomplishing the vast majority of tablet-related tasks as compared to the iPad. I'm not knocking Android by any means—it will continue to evolve and tablet offerings will improve—but in the tablet world it trails a considerable distance behind iOS and that is what matters most.

    CR is obsolete.
    By no means. They're just struggling to evolve with the products they review. I agree that they're poorly suited to review some of these more technical devices and I think their methodology renders many such reviews released by them fairly useless, but they serve a valuable purpose, it would be a shame to see this type of service go away, and I can't see how they've become obsolete to many folks out there.

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  • rshullic
    Jul 14, 01:40 PM
    Sort of.

    Lets separate reading and writing exFAT. If I can read it, I can pull stuff off of it. So OS X will require the ability to read exFAT in order to make it compatible with non apple devices that will be using this format. HOWEVER, it is not required that Apple choose to read exFAT. You could format with HFS+. Then any device that can read HFS+ could read and write to it.

    If I can write to exFAT, then I can place data (even 4GB+ media files) on the card. Apple may create a driver that allows you to read exFAT but not write to it.

    This matters if you are going to use the card to store media files (4 GB+), or are planning on using the card with non Apple devices. I could get a 128 GB SDXC card, format 100 GB in FAT32 for a user directory, and format 3 8GB swap spaces (one for OS X, one for Windows, and one for Unix). Then I'd have my user files and swap space with me wherever I go, and it would be cross platform compatible (everyone reads and writes FAT32). Yes, FAT32 does have a maximum partition size, this is why I used a 128 GB SDXC card as the example. And yes, I wouldn't have my media files (movies) on the card (I'd need one of the 2 TB cards to do this).

    Since Pretec is selling an ExpressCard SDXC reader, this is what I plan to do with my triple boot MBP (see sig). I'll point my OS X user directory to the directory that will be on this card, I'll do the same for Win7, and BackTrack. Each OS will also have swap space on the card. This increases security too. If I have my SDXC card with me, someone using the laptop can't see my files at all. It also increases speed (maybe and a little) because I'm using a different storage device and bus to put my user files/swap space on.

    Let's take a closer look at what we have here.
    For references we have: http://www.sans.org/reading_room/whitepapers/forensics/reverse-engineering-microsoft-exfat-file-system_33274 and the blog rshullic.wordpress.com

    First, the SDXC card is set to be exclusively exFAT. You may be able to format the card as FAT32, or HFS or NTFS as FAT32 can be formatted to 2TB although you can't use Microsoft utilities to do so. Microsoft will read a 2TB FAT32 file system and write to it, they just won't let you create anything over 32GB. If you want to use the SDXC card exclusively with the Mac, then you could format the card with almost any file system. I have formated a 256MB (yes MB, it is SD Version 1.00) SD card as exFAT. But put that card with exFAT into a camera, like the Panasonic Lumix which has SDXC support, and it says that the card is not formatted properly and won't let you use the card until you reformat it. A SD card is speced for FAT, a SDHC card is speced for FAT32 and a SDXC card is speced for exFAT, and some camera manufacturers enforce the proper file system. So, if you intend to use the sdxc in a camera or a phone or other consumer device, formatting it as anything other than exFAT may not be an option.

    And Apple might need to license exFAT just to read it even if not to write. (might need, I don't really know as there are now forensics tols that read exfat but I don't think those guys are licensing it, maybe read only is ok and doesn't violate licensing agreements?)

    The SDXC card actually begins at 48GB, which is the equivalent of a dual layer Blu-Ray disc. I have seen 48GB and 64GB so far, and the 64GB (at a low i/o speed) can be gotten at amazon for about $200. But the card are running in the $350-$600 range with speeds claimed to be 30MBs (that is mega-bytes per second) so it will be a while for the prices to come down and the speeds to increase near the SD 3.0 level of 104 MBs, let alone the SD 4.00 spec of 300 MBs.


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  • ericlewis91
    Nov 11, 09:49 AM
    I can speak mac japanese! WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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  • wilburpan
    Sep 22, 07:23 AM
    Originally posted by theranch
    It's a joke. I wouldn't depend on this site at all.
    I fully agree that this site is less than ideal in it's rating system. My points are:

    1. Here is, as far as I can tell, a not particularly Mac friendly site that compares the performance of Macs vs. PC's.

    2. Based on these ratings, an iMac is actually the best buy for middle of the pack machines.

    3. Again, based on these ratings, the top of the line Mac and P4 machines are closely matched in performance.

    4. These conclusions are probably more significant in that they are based on data from a site that is not pro-Mac.


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  • funkywhat2
    Feb 29, 09:48 PM
    I was not sure where to post this, I have emailed MacRumors several times, but with no reply.

    I can pull up the main page of wap.macrumours.com but when clicking next page I get a response unknown error with my Nokia 3200.

    This also happened on my old 7210 phone too.

    This would indicate non complaint wml code on the 2nd page, as this is the error Nokia's tend to give (they do not attempt to display non complaint code)



    works for me, on some nokia, i don't know what kind, but it's like tan-ish and has a color screen.

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  • Flowbee
    Sep 26, 12:10 AM
    Apple is *not* sending cease and desist letters to everyone who ever made a podcast and called it a "podcast." This is an action against a company called Podcast Ready which distributes software called myPodder, which clearly capitalizes on the name of Apple's iPod. This seems to be more a case of Apple trying to reign in companies whose products are treading too closely to the iPod name, rather than Apple's attempt to forbid anyone to use the term "Podcast."

    Apple understands the marketing value of a popular term like Podcast, but there's a delicate balance between encouraging people to use it, and giving away your rights to it. I personally don't think Apple was out of line in this case. Of course, I reserve the right to change my opinion when I get *my* cease and desist letter. :p


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  • rasmasyean
    Apr 30, 05:31 PM
    Sadly, these "findings" really only say (or rather confirms the status quo) one thing to me.
    Mac users are...PRETENTIOUS!

    Lets see:
    computer loyalty...zealot
    Having degrees...rich
    All other snob crap...flamboyantly rich and or wannabe rich

    My favorite is:
    computer-savvy and "early adopters"...LOL, clueless overbearing confidence based on ignorance.

    Not only is the "genius bar" full of retards who help more retarded retards, but omg...if "computer savvy" means knowing how to use web applications that don't require install of real programs, then I'll grant "mac-users" that one.
    Considering that nearly all "Pro IT" overwhelmingly used Windows not to mention that "gamers" are one of the most comptuer-savvy consumers, where the heck do computer-savvy Mac users come from? Those who can use FB, Twitter, Tumblr and other "early adopter software" vs. the old school, MS Office, ultra graphics games, Product Lifecyle Management Systems, and other real software? Yeah, I guess "young 20-somethings" will find out how using your Facebook / Web 2.0 computer skills in the real world will get your fired!

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  • tristangage
    Jun 15, 12:40 PM
    Any UI/Software/Dashboard changes?

    I don't mind the new design. I think I'll probably get one in a year or so when I move out.

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  • 59031
    Oct 28, 06:30 PM
    and for all you google fans. fine. use it for free, but i prefer NOT to have advertising in my email thanks.

    Same here, and don't forget, Gmail is POP while .Mac is IMAP - superior to POP.

    Oct 11, 02:09 PM
    The article is a little vague, but in my view any device that allows access to the Internet (even at home) is a serious problem that companies really need to forbid. Because people could use the Internet to learn about other job opportunities, or even send resumes. A happy worker is a worker in the dark.

    Apr 8, 12:51 PM
    I say its time we overthrow the republicans and democrats and start a party which is ANTI-CORPORATIONS and is for the people and by the people.. Who's with me?

    And that will last until the new party gets its first corporate donation...

    Not that I'm a cynic.

    And what's with this rhetoric? "overthrow"? Really? And you do realize you just Goodwin-ed this discussion...

    Dec 28, 01:49 PM
    AT&T now selling iPhones to New Yorkers again (http://www.9to5mac.com/)


    But...But what about the frauds and ID thefts? :rolleyes:

    Apr 15, 08:41 AM
    Working at Microsoft is not a detriment to his career. It's a boon. I think you'd be hard pressed to find people who would refuse to work at the most successful software company in the world, except the most zealot-minded Apple fanboys, such as we have here. I understand why people downvote the story, but for goodness' sake, I'm fairly sure Apple's HR people know better than us. Give him a freaking break. He's going go to do a job 8000 times better than any random schmuck off the streets (or on these forums for that matter), and that's why he got it.

    Working at large, very successful companies isn't always the best. It depends where your priorities are. If you want a good life / work balance then Apple, Google etc ( as a software developer for example ) certainly wouldn't be a great move. However, you'd probably learn a lot by working there too. It would of course look great on your resume.

    Oct 9, 04:39 PM
    Of course they are less expensive. No packaging, no media, no store space, no shipping required.

    They should be less expensive.

    I don't understand what this fuzz is about! I buy a DVD, I watch it, say, 10 times. (Some criminally inclined people would even rip it, shame!) If I don't want it any more, I'll resell it for maybe half the price on Eballs.

    I can't resell the downloaded version. The resale value of the purchased media drops to $0 the moment I buy it. That means, it should be half the price of a DVD. But wait... No packaging, no physical media, (in a way) no retail profit margin...

    The download should be one third the price of the DVD. That's fair!



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